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    China’s military intimidation of Taiwan 結果共6筆

  • Taiwan’s DPP urges China to halt military threats

    Explore the latest on Taiwan-China relations: DPP spokesperson Cho Kuan-ting urges China to halt military threats and engage in dialogue, emphasizing peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.
    2024/06/03 14:53
  • Philippines and New Zealand unite for Taiwan Strait peace

    Explore the welcoming by Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs of a joint statement from the Philippines and New Zealand leaders emphasizing peace in the Taiwan Strait, amidst concerns over China’s military actions.
    2024/04/19 18:15
  • Taiwan urges China to cease threats after Ma-Xi Meeting

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs urges Beijing to cease threats against Taiwan, respect public opinion, and restart cross-strait dialogue following Ma-Xi meeting, while emphasizing the importance of the U.S. "Taiwan Relations Act" in maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait on its 45th anniversary.
    2024/04/11 15:03
  • Taipei official rebukes China’s election meddling in letter

    Taiwan’s Director-General in Boston, Charles Liao, responds to China’s interference in Taiwan’s elections with military threats and economic bullying. Liao highlights Taiwan’s commitment to democracy and refusal to bow to Chinese pressure. The U.S. State Department, Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the European Union’s European External Action Service congratulate elected officials Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim. Despite China’s attempts at interference through disinformation, military intimidation, and economic threats, Taiwanese voters remain resilient in their pursuit of democracy and freedom. Liao’s response is prompted by a Boston Globe article suggesting that the U.S. should prioritize Taiwan as a democratic partner.
    2024/01/30 16:36
  • Taiwan’s allies voice support as China ramps up intimidation

    China’s military intimidation of Taiwan ahead of the presidential election has been warned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). A joint statement by the US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Daniel Kritenbrink, Japanese Deputy Minister and Director-General, Kobe Yasuhiro, and Republic of Korea Deputy Minister, Chung Byung-won, expressed support for Taiwan during a three-way dialogue in Washington. China’s recent military threats towards Taiwan, including deploying balloons across the Taiwan strait, violating airspace, and suspending parts of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), have raised concerns among the international community. MOFA has raised suspicions of attempts to influence the election and emphasized Taiwan’s commitment to cooperation with the US, Japan, and South Korea to promote peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.
    2024/01/07 14:56
  • Taipei Dialogue to address Indo-Pacific intimidation

    The Institute for National Defense and Security Research (INDSR) will host the "2023 Taipei Security Dialogue" on November 8th. Former U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Michele Flournoy, and former U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor, Matthew Pottinger, will discuss the collective intimidation faced by Indo-Pacific nations. The event will feature virtual speeches focusing on measuring risks and situations in the Taiwan Strait. Scholars and experts from 10 countries, including the U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Czech Republic, and Japan, have been invited to address China’s challenges to global order and democracy. The dialogue will cover six themes, such as the Russo-Ukrainian War’s lessons and strategies for deterring China, implications for cross-strait relations, Chinese military and technological development, China’s global expansion, and a strategic environmental assessment of China. President Tsai Ing-wen is also scheduled to deliver a speech at the event.
    2023/11/07 17:56
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